Becoming Minimalistic

This is a wonderful day.
I've never seen this one before.
- Maya Angelou

Becoming a Minimalist

In 2018, I cleaned out cupboards and closets (Too Much Stuff is Just Too Much to Care About.) and got rid of pounds of unwanted stuff. It felt good to see it all in the rear view as I drove away from Teen Challenge. Well I'm at it again. Almost 2 years later and I'm ready to continue the job and move into minimalist mode. Less clutter, less to dust, less to file, and less to put away. YASSS!

Tim Ferris (author of The 4 hour Work Week) recently stated he wasn’t going to read any new books in 2020. That made me decide that I wouldn’t renew any of my 5 magazine subscriptions this year. Why? Because I have quite a stack of unread ones now. (And really, how many new recipes can I try?? And do I really need to keep that article on the living room redo that I'm probably not going to do?) I’m sure I won’t miss the new magazine issues while I peruse the old ones. Read, recycle, less clutter, boom.

I know you’ve heard of Marie Kondo who recommends we only keep things in our lives that “spark joy.” And if items are not “serving you” anymore, then it’s time to say adios, or sayonara as Marie would say. Years ago, I would “holiday decorate”, not now. Goodbye, seasonal decorations, hello more space.

This week, I started piling things up in my Studio that I don’t need/want because my art interests have changed. I definitely will continue decorating envelopes/packages for mail art, but I don’t send handmade cards anymore; so I’m getting rid of card making supplies – cardstock, ribbons, etc. – to make room for the supplies I need at this stage in my art life. I really enjoyed making cards then, but not now. It's called evolving people. We all do it whether we recognize it or not. Interests change, styles change, and that’s a wonderful thing.

Artfully Yours

My art has certainly evolved. This is an abstract piece I created for 2 special newlyweds. I hope you enjoy.

Yup, 2020 will be the year that I continue to selectively curate my “stuff.” How about you? Anyone else got stuff that isn’t sparking joy? Let me know. And I’ll keep you posted with my progress too.
