Choose to live your life in the front row.
Don't be a third row girl.
The future belongs to those who believe
in the beauty of their dreams. 
TBT, (truth be told), I'm not a techie nerd and I'll never work for the Geek Squad. And this revelation is no surprise to some of my friends who helped me uh-lot when I was still teaching and the internet component of my teaching job became so overwhelming. But what will be a surprise for them, and maybe you too, is my BIG news!!Dun, dunt, dunt, dunt, dunt duh . . . . I own a piece of the internet! YES WAY! I am the proud owner of, my very own, real, live website! I may not be a techie nerd but I've come a long way to be sure! From buying my name (for a fee), to choosing a web host (for a fee), and a web designer template (for a fee). I can tell you about things I needed like SSL licenses, regular backups, email services, (all for a - say it with me people - a fee!)
And I couldn't have done any of it without my 2 smartest techies. First, my IT guy, my brother who set it all up, uploaded a "*#$^load of content", and conference called in on numerous calls with so many people from Go Daddy. He put in hours, and hours, and hours just for my dream and I am so thankful he was always there to help and encourage me to bring the "brand of Patty" into reality. And second, my very own graphic designer, my daughter, who is such a whiz with a computer, and hasn't met a program she can't master; whose help, encouragement, and creative eye keep me inspired.
I hope you will take time to pop over to my website There, just click that link and you will be able to see A LOT of ART. In the dashboard, you'll see tabs that say HOME, BLOG, GALLERY, PROJECTS, PRESS, ABOUT, and CONNECT.The BLOG tab will obviously take you to my blog. The GALLERY tab will show you my JOURNALS and CANVAS ART. In the PROJECTS tab, ALWAYS BELIEVE IN YOURSELF will show you my largest piece of art AND my YouTube video, (yup!); and THE SKETCHBOOK PROJECT will tell you about a special project I did with my Art Chicas. When you open PRESS, you will be able to read the 3 magazine articles I've had published. And last, ABOUT and CONNECT tell about me (look below) and how to get in touch with me.
I have always been in awe of you and have always been so very proud of you and now just another reason to be inspired! Your work has always been and still is beautiful...just like the beautiful soul that creates it. Keep glowing!... From one of your biggest fans.