The Art Chicas Get Published!

 You get there by realizing you are already there.  

 Eckhart Tolle  

 95 Years 

“After retiring from teaching for a combined total of 95 years in public school, the three of us could never have imagined what was in store. Instead of spending hours at school, we now had the freedom to spend our time differently. This turned into meeting at each other’s homes, and The Art Chicas were born. What fun!” This is the opening paragraph in the April/May/June 2019 issue of ART Journaling magazine. But just who are these three famous published artists???

 The Art Chicas 

They are none other than Melissa Wills, Missy Cooper, and Patty Eskridge! Yes, we are The Art Chicas, and our artwork and article were published in an art magazine. Us, 3 retired elementary teachers. Hey people, if I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a hundred times that you can do great things! Exciting things! We did, and are thrilled to be published and paid artists! 

 How about it? 

Now back to you. What’s something you’d like to do if you had the chance? Think big and be creative. No, you may not be able to do anything about it now, but later maybe? I’m a big goal maker – meaning I believe in making goals, both small and big. And one of the goals I made back in 2014 was to be published in an art magazine. And I've not only been published in one magazine, but two. That goal took 4 years to complete, but that’s ok because goals are so satisfying when you accomplish them. Good luck with yours.

I hope you read our article. It’s the best one in the issue if I do say so! 
