Depth of friendship does not depend
on length of acquaintance.
- Rabindranath Tagore
That Smile
I have lots of photos of my friend Lori. There are ones with her children and grandchildren, ones with her friends, and ones with her husband David. If I took them, I can remember where they were taken and what was happening at the time. Many of the photos were sent to me from her family when I was making the PowerPoint montage for her funeral. What I see, every time I look at them, is that smile. That happy, happy face and that smile.When I think of her, I see her standing in her classroom doorway smiling as I take her photo for Missy’s retirement scrapbook. Or I think of her when we both messed up at the same time in the dance routine for the school talent show, and we looked at each other and just cracked up. And even though I was there at the end of her time with us, my mind doesn’t go to that image. It always goes to her smiling face when she was well. And I’m glad of that. I know she suffered so much, but I know she is smiling in heaven now.
Here’s some photos of her to make you smile. I’ve cropped anyone else in the photos so it’s just Lori. Do you remember any of the photos? Are you in them?
I hope when you think of Lori, she smiles for you.

Love these pictures of my beautiful cousin. Thanks for posting.