One Day or Day One.
You decide. Stop waiting for the right time. Stop waiting until you feel ready.
Stop waiting until tomorrow.
Stop WAITING. Period!
- Mel Robbins
One Little Word
A new year. A new day. A blank slate. Look at all those days laying out right in front of you. What WILL you do? Go on a cruise? Leave your job to be a stay at home mom? Start a new job? Expand your business? Retire? Exercise more? The possibilities are endless just as long as you start, like Mel says above.Most of you know that for me, the New Year means choosing a new One Little Word to help steer me through the 365 days ahead. Last year I was “unstoppable” and lots of new art and new possibilities and events happened; more than I could have dreamed. But there were many times when I was, hmm, how should I say it? Unmotivated. It was like a roller coaster ride. When I was up, I was WAY UP and when I was down, I didn’t even walk into the Studio. I wasn’t depressed, just unmotivated.
I’m still feeling that a little, but hopefully with my new word, I’ll get there. At the end of December, intentional just popped into my head one day and that was that. So I decided I would be more intentional in my art and all the things I’m planning for that, in my relationships with my family and friends, and with myself or should I say my self.So here I go. How about you? What’s your One Little Word for 2019?? Please share it with me. And if you’ve never chosen one, why wait? Period.
The Art

Oh, and it’s January and is it just me or what… BUT those inflatable Christmas balloons need to go. Am I right???? Just sayin’!
Stay warm friends! I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and will join me here every Saturday for another blog post and on Facebook and Instagram.
Art in the Studio makes every day a good day.
Thanks for spending time with ArtEveryDayStudio!
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