Let your dreams be bigger than your fears
 and your actions louder than your words. 


Well, mark those calendars and get ready friends – it’s heeerrre!!!

You, yes you, can meet and greet ART Journaling’s current highlighted artist, (yours truly), at Barnes and Noble in Salisbury this Saturday, November 3, 2018 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. And if that wasn’t enough, you can see some awesome art in the café, which will all be for sale. Barnes and Noble has generously allowed me to have my art hanging in the café for three months – November, December, and January! You never know - one of your Christmas gifts may be hanging there!!

Come to sign my guest book, take a selfie, and get your copy of the magazine autographed, because Missy says my signature will be worth something someday. Haha!!

Now for some sneak peeks of the art . . .


Make sure you come to see the whole canvases!!


This whole thing, the magazine, and now a mini art show, is absolutely a dream come true for me! Thank you to ALL the people who support and encourage me, you are in my heart! 
Join me on Facebook and Instagram.

  Art in the Studio makes every day a good day! 
 Thanks for spending time with ArtEveryDayStudio! 
