Just be yourself.
Let people see the real, imperfect,
flawed, quirky, weird, beautiful,
magical person that you are.
- Mandy Hale
Let me introduce you to Gloria and Christopher.As a child, Gloria did not interact with other children. Instead her challenging behaviors kept her from being socially skilled. Her parents worried that she may not graduate from high school. She did graduate from high school, and from college as well, but had trouble getting a job even with 2 degrees.
After Christopher had earned a college degree in computer science, he sent out over 600 job applications, but still didn’t get a job. He looked good on paper, but didn’t do well in the interview process.
What do these two bright, but socially challenged, people have in common? They both have autism. The good news is they both were finally hired because of their autism – Gloria at SAP and Christopher at Microsoft. Both companies decided they were missing out on the untapped talent of autistic people, so they started hiring programs and are very satisfied with the insightful, creative thinking the autistic have brought to them.ACCEPTED FOR THEIR GIFTS
What’s great about this story is that both Gloria and Christopher are happier than they’ve ever been because they are finally somewhere where they are accepted for their gifts and not shunned for their differences. “I can express myself in ways that people won’t look at me weird,” said Gloria. And isn’t that what we all want. How wonderful a place the world would be if everyone was where they were accepted for their gifts. You, yes YOU, have gifts! Have you discovered them yet? If you have, are you waving them proudly for all of us to see?? I hope so.THE ART
Note: I have received some products from The Crafter's Workshop; however, even though I use and love their products, all opinions are solely my own. #ad #advertising #sponsor
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