Truthfully, the world is full of little moments we rush through to get to what we believe to be the important things, the big things that take up monumental amounts of space in our minds; but in getting wrapped up in the big things, we forget the important lesson:
The journey, the getting there, that is the really important part.
- unknown
“There’s something for you on the kitchen table,” she would say and I’d eagerly go in knowing exactly what it was – a chocolate meringue pie. I’d cut into it right then and there and eat a large piece. If I had a dollar for every pie my grandmother made, I’d be a rich woman. All her pies were made totally from scratch and totally from memory. She told me she learned to make them from a lady she lived with when she was a teenager. The woman was well to do and my grandmother would make pies for her bridge club parties.Every Sunday after church, my daughter and I visited my grandmother when she was in her 80s and still living at home. She would say, “Megan, I’m going to teach you how to make a chocolate pie someday.” Regretfully, we never took the time to make any pies. Someday never came.
My friend took her daughter to college this week. I know how she feels. For the first hour after leaving our daughter at college, I just sobbed. Happy that her future was ahead of her and sad because she would no longer be with me every day. I wish I had paid more attention to those little moments.In trying to find the author of the quote above, I came across a blog post, Hurry Up and Slow Down by Melli O’Brien. You should take the time to read it.
Note: I have received some products from The Crafter's Workshop; however, even though I use and love their products, all opinions are solely my own. #ad #advertising #sponsor
I enjoy the moments I spend in my Studio.
I’m more aware of the little moments now and I take the time to remember them often. Every night before I go to sleep, I watch at least one video of my granddaughter and smile. (And sometimes there’s some tears with the smiles.) I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and will join me here every Saturday for another blog post and on Facebook and Instagram.
Art in the Studio makes every day a good day.
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