You don't guide life, you ride life.
- Ice T
For many, many years as I was driving, I noticed something that consistently happened. Whenever 2 motorcycles passed each other going in opposite directions, the bikers would take their hand off the handlebars, put it at their side, and wave to each other. Instead of a secret handshake, it was a secret wave. Subtle enough that if you weren’t looking for it, you wouldn’t have noticed it. But lately, I haven’t seen that happen. And I’ve looked for it. Why has that stopped? Is it because the new generation of motorcyclists haven’t learned the secret wave or don’t care to do it?AN EXPERIMENT
Even though I’m definitely not a biker, one day I decided I would do a little experiment. That day, I decided to wave to everyone I passed when I was driving; to just lift my fingers off the wheel and do a little wave. I waved to passing motorists, pedestrians, the highway workers that hold the SLOW and STOP signs, and even to a guy on a skateboard. Many of the motorists waved back, especially older men in pick-ups who tend to drive with their hands on the top of their wheels anyway. Some of the pedestrians gave me big smiles like either they thought they knew me, or were just happy to have someone wave to them. A lot of the highway workers waved back, but didn’t usually smile; and the guy on the skateboard lifted his head and gave me a “‘Sup?”THE ART
Note: I have received some products from The Crafter's Workshop; however, even though I use and love their products, all opinions are solely my own. #ad #advertising #sponsor
I added 3 of my journal pages from July in this post. They are all very different from each other. Which is your favorite?
My little experiment was nothing scientific by any means, I just wanted to interact in a positive way. I’m now trying to make waving into a habit. Do you wave when you drive? I’d like to know. I’m taking a survey. I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and will join me here every Saturday for another blog post and on Facebook and Instagram.
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