The best teachers are those
 who show you where to look
 but don't tell you what to see. 

 - Alexandra K. Trenfor 


Have you seen the commercial for the roofing company that offers discounts to people buying a roof who are either military, veterans, or first responders? Well, now they’ve added a fourth important group to the people to whom they offer discounts – educators. Yes, educators! Bravo! Finally – someone who understands that educators are actually first responders every day.

Educators “live” with their students for roughly five days a week for 180 days, give or take. Their students look to them not only for knowledge, but also advice, comfort, and guidance. Many of the students in our system find a stability in school that they don’t have at home. Students can rely on the fact that they have a safe place where they will be fed and that their teachers will be there to help them.


I wish I had a copy of a cartoon I saw years ago that showed a stretch limo pulling up to the sidewalk. There were basketball players watching the people in the limo getting out. They said, “Oh, it’s just some teachers making 7 figures.” Teachers will never make 7 figure salaries, but the services they offer their students are priceless.


Note: I have received some products from The Crafter's Workshop; however, even though I use and love their products, all opinions are solely my own. #ad #advertising #sponsor

Shades of purple for you to enjoy.

School is starting. Show teachers some love. I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and will join me here every Saturday for another blog post and on Facebook and Instagram.
 Art in the Studio makes every day a good day.  Thanks for spending time with ArtEveryDayStudio! 
