You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.
- Rabindranath Tagore
Super Bowl LII was a nail-biter, for sure! It was anyone’s guess who would win – The We’ve-Come-From-Behind-So-Many-Times Patriots or The Hungry-For-Our-First-Ever-Super-Bowl Eagles.A CRYSTAL BALL
But what if we knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that the Eagles would win. Would that have made our viewing experience better? Or worse? What if we had a crystal ball that would reveal all future events to us, one day at a time? Would our lives be more exciting or more boring, safer or riskier? If we knew we were going to get that new job, would we put as much effort and preparation into the interview? If we knew we would win that gold medal, would we still get that rush of adrenaline on our way down the hill? If we knew ahead of time that we would write that best seller, would we still have the same amount of pride when it happened? And on the other side of the coin, if that firefighter or police officer knew they would be giving their life to save you, would you want them to know? If the Patriots knew they would lose Super Bowl LII, would they have even come out on the field? What would be the use anyway?DON’T JUST STAND THERE
Don’t we need adversity to really appreciate relief? Don’t we need challenges to obtain our potential? Don’t we need weakness to develop strength? Would we choose to never feel pain and sorrow if we also would never feel love? No doubt, life can be uncomfortable, painful, and stressful; but it can also be passionate, compassionate, and beautiful. We can’t live life just by waiting.THE ART
Note: I am a Design Team member for The Crafter's Workshop; however, even though I use and love their products, all opinions are solely my own.#ad #advertising #sponsor
Today's art are two pictures of a small art tag book that I made for my post on The Crafter's Workshop blog. You can read the how-to here on their blog. Maybe you will give it a try yourself.
My feeling is don’t just stand there and stare at Life, go out and live it! Be persistent and intentional. And when Life gives you fear and pain, know that Life can also give you happiness and elation. It’s all about perspective, people. I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and will join me here every Friday for more blog posts and on Facebook and Instagram.
Art in the Studio makes every day a good day.
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