A true artist is not one who is inspired,
but one who inspires others.
– Salvador Dali
Today I’m spending the day with one of my art idols and inspirations – Dina Wakley! IRL!! (In Real Life) I’m taking a class with her and I couldn’t be any more excited. Well, not true. I would be tons more excited if she were coming to my Studio in person for a one-on-one art lesson. Sigh. I can dream can’t I?Funny, I feel like I know her already, what with watching so many of her videos numerous times each. And reading both her books (numerous times each!). She seems very personable and down to earth – you know, like someone you’d want to have lunch with. Anyway, she’s in my area – less than a 2 hour drive away – and since I missed taking her class last year, I wasn’t about to let this opportunity slip away.
Stay tuned for next Friday’s blog post where I’ll share all the deets about what I learned.
Did I mention – I’M SO EXCITED!!!!
The Artwork
Note: I am a Design Team member for The Crafter's Workshop; however, even though I use and love their products, all opinions are solely my own.
The Artwork I’m sharing was done in my first two art journals while I was reading Dina's book Art Journal Freedom. One of the reasons I love this book is because she has Page Challenges where you create a page/spread from a prompt. Below are examples of three of my finished pages.
Challenge 1 – Create a page with a repeated word or image as a focal point.
The phrenological head stamp is one of my favorites.
Challenge 2 – Make two pages with similar subjects but different white space.
Challenge 3 – Outline elements so they are more visible.
Art in the Studio makes every day a good day.
Thanks for spending time with ArtEveryDayStudio!
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