When everything seems to be
going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.
going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.
I don’t have wifi at my house. You know - unlimited, high speed wifi. “You’re NOT serious!! EVERYBODY does.” you say. No, not everybody. I don’t have unlimited, high speed wifi. Ok, technically, I have wifi but it’s shared 16G of data per month and a jetpak. Ok, ok, you CAN stop laughing. I know I’m an anomaly in a world where social media is king. And if you read my very first blog post DREAM, you know that in March ArtEveryDayStudio blog, facebook, gmail, and Instagram were born so I’m on social media. Also, in June, I was chosen as a design team member for The Crafter’s Workshop which means I post twice a month on their blog.My “Office”
“So how do you do it?” you ask.How do I check Facebook, Instagram, gmail, and post 6 blog posts a month – 2 for The Crafter’s Workshop and 4 for my blog? Well, Facebook, Instagram, and gmail are usually done quickly at home; but my blog posts are done in my “Office”, which is roughly four miles away. Blog posts involve uploading photos, and uploading photos uses data, and data is as precious as gold to me. So I save my data and I post at my nearest public library. My “office” is upstairs at a table tucked into the reference section, away from others. It’s quiet and will suffice nicely. Sure, it’s an endeavor to complete a blog post because it means I have to have written my post, created my artwork, and taken and Photoshopped my photos of my artwork ahead of time. But it has made me more organized. My husband and I are on a first name basis with the staff who are so friendly. Several days a week, we set up and work for about 3 hours and then come home.
The Moral
I am very thankful for my jetpak and 16G at home (M & A), and also very thankful that I have a quiet, clean, cozy “Office”. It’s just takes a mindset adjustment. The moral of the story is this friends. If you are passionate about what you do and you have a goal you want to achieve, YOU CAN DO IT, no matter whether you have wifi or not. Clear those roadblocks, people. I did.The ART
Note: I am a Design Team member for The Crafter's Workshop; however, even though I use and love their products, all opinions are solely my own.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to enter my blog posts in my pjs at midnight if I wanted; but, for now I can’t and that doesn’t stop me from living my dream. I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and will join me every Friday for more blog posts at arteverydaystudio.blogspot.com and on Facebook and Instagram.
Art in the Studio makes every day a good day.
Thanks for spending time with ArtEveryDayStudio!
I would be more organized too if I were in your situation. Unlimited high speed WiFi at home, work and mobile data devices I'm spoiled and not very organized. Staying up late in my PJs posting to TCW and my blog isn't always fun. If I had to make time to drive to my "office" to work I would probably get more done. I think I need to be on a schedule. I'm glad it hasn't stopped you from your dreams.