Never let all the things you want
make you forget about all the things you have.
Put a little gratitude on your to-do list today.
- Marc and Angel Chernoff

Heat Wave
This week, we’ve been living with a heat wave here, so why the cool colors in this journal spread? Three reasons. First, since it’s been so hot, I’ve been cooling it in some pools with friends. Ahhh, blue water and blue skies. Second, it's blueberry season, my favorite fruit. And third, this week's #colorcrushcreative color palette was all blues, and I was playing along. The name of the palette is Cote d'Azur. Now wouldn't THAT be a wonderful place to hang out!! Enjoy the art, friends...
Art Work
Supplies:Gelatos – snowy cone, aqua dolce, cotton candy
Liquitex Basics – cobalt blue hue, cerulean blue hue
Master’s Touch – ultramarine, phthalocyanine blue
folkArt – Jamaican sea
Delta ceramcoat – turquoise
Grumbacher Academy – permanent blue light
Stencil – The Crafter’s Workshop, Mini Believe Script
Assorted magazine pictures/words
I know we complain about the heat, but personally, I'd much rather have it hot than so freezing cold, but that's just me, I hate to be cold. Anyway, it's always perfect weather to work in The Studio!!! I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and will join me every Tuesday and Friday for more blog posts at and on Facebook at
Art in the Studio makes every day a good day.
Thanks for spending time with ArtEveryDayStudio!
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