The decisions we make in this moment are based
 in either love or fear.
 Many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality.
 What we really want seems impossibly out of reach
 and ridiculous to expect.
 So we never dare to ask the universe for it.
 If you can fail at what you don't want,
 you might as well take a chance on doing what you love. 

 - Jim Carrey 

 First story 

Stop me if you’ve heard this one. Kid graduates high school and enters college because he knows that’s how you get a good job. He works hard for four years, meets his soon-to-be wife, graduates, and enters the work force working at what he went to college to learn. At the end of the first year, he hates what he’s doing. Guy perseveres. He marries his college sweetheart and they have children. He still hates his job, but works anyway because now he has a wife and kids to support. After feeling trapped for many years at the same job, he wakes up one day and realizes he’s wasted his life, but it’s too late to do anything about it. He suffers on until he can retire. Sad story, huh?

 Next story 

How about this one. Kid graduates high school and enters college because he knows that’s how you get a good job. He works hard for four years, meets his soon-to-be wife, graduates, and enters the work force working at what he went to college to learn. (Stay with me here.) At the end of the first year, he hates what he’s doing. Guy decides this isn’t something he wants to do for the rest of his life and quits. He decides to enroll in a community college and learns all about laser photonics. And LOVES it. He gets hired at a large company, packs up his bride and belongings, and moves 2000 miles away. Today, he loves what he does and looks forward to his future with his wife and daughter. Better story. True story.


That took courage to start all over again. It may have felt like he was throwing four years of college down the drain; but sometimes lessons come with a price. I don’t count those years wasted, after all he did meet his future wife!! If you are in a job/career which you hate, I encourage you to think outside the box, for your own sanity at least. Good luck.


Note: I am a Design Team member for The Crafter's Workshop; however, even though I use and love their products, all opinions are solely my own. #ad #advertising #sponsor

This journal spread began with the quote about intention; but I didn't like the way the bottom of the page looked so I reworked it. Now it's balanced with some white space, drippage, and the little girl. I'm really happy with how it turned out. Hmmm, kinda like the story above. (Wink.)

This post is dedicated to Al who’s been there, done that. We are very proud of you. Happy Birthday! I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and will join me here every Friday for another blog post and on Facebook and Instagram

 Art in the Studio makes every day a good day. 
 Thanks for spending time with ArtEveryDayStudio! 
